Book Notes: The Way of the Forest

The Way of the ForestJudy Carroll is an Australian who has written of her encounters with beings from higher dimensions, what some would call “extra terrestials”. Her encounters have principally been with the Zeta Reticulans, commonly known as “Greys”. Judy Carroll calls these beings her teachers. What have they come to teach? That humans are members of a galactic whole, races birthed by the love of the Source of the All. These beings teach that we are on a journey of return to the Oneness of Divinity. God is love, and our path through life ought be a Path of Peace.
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Take your Character with you to the World of Light

Heart jewelLightworkers know that the Source of The ALL and that which comes from Source is in fact the World of Light. We return to the World of Light when we pass over from this life. We take our character with us when we return to the World of Light. Our character is like a precious jewel in the heart. We can make this jewel shine brightly.
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Prayer, Mantra, Affirmation and Gratitude

Prayer flagsIn this article we look at Prayer and its history, its accoutrements. In these times of Ascension other forms of spirituality emerge: use of Mantras, Affirmations and Gratitude. We look to the unfolding of these methods of communication with the Unseen Divine, the known spiritual companion, and the higher expression of Love as Gratitude.
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Saint Germain: Momentum of Truth Coming Forward

Saint Germain: Momentum of Truth Coming ForwardAscension brings expansion of consciousness in its train. Expansion of consciousness is the raise of energy – frequency – vibration. It is told that this is an important time to hold the light, hold the vibration, hold the higher essence within us as it radiates out from us to reach others and raise them into the ambit of Ascension also. Here, one channel brings a message from St Germain about the importance of light and love. We are One: One light. One Love.

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Communication: Speak and Listen, Hear and Understand

CommunicationIt is known that there are four forms of communication. For example, some do vocal prayer, others do mental or silent prayer. Still others sit in silence with a stilled mind: perhaps in samadhi, simply being-awareness-bliss. The four types of speech are given in Ganapathi Upanishad. What of communications with those in the stars, the star people?

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Your Many Paths to Ascension

Paths to AscensionIt is said that there are many paths up the mountain to the Godhead. This is true, for minds and cultures are different in all climes and continents. The same applies to Ascension, and the pathways to Ascension. Here, we share one message from the Arcturian Council, which re-iterates a basic truth. This truth renders validity to your individual path. It also renders validity to selfless service, and the paths others take to Ascension.

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The Earth’s Rhythms

The Earth's Rhythms

Our Earth – Our Mother – spins and follows its orbit, and has its own harmonic resonance, which – for simplicity – we call the Earth’s Rhythm. Our rhythm harmonises with that freqency, that energy and vibration. Now, the Earth is raising it’s rhythm, and we need to raise our own energy – frequency – vibration in order to be in harmony with the Earth.

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Karma, Incumbrances and Ascension

Karma, Incumbrances and AscensionCosmic Sai Baba has always said that everyone is a God being. So if you think of that – it might be a little hard sometimes because of incumbrances that are still in the body that exist from other teachings or beliefs from other times – or even in this lifetime. They could let all that go. Everyone on this Earth at this time can move forward. And they have all agreed to come, to help one another.
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