Coronavirus and Transformation

Beta version of Sars-CovThe Coronavirus has been with humanity for some time, now. And like any virus (Bird Flu, Influenza, Swine flu, the common cold) it has morphed into new versions – Delta and Omicron. For some, stay-at-home recovery. For others, hospitalisation and healing. Others pass over, as part of their soul journey and evolution. Many, many guides have given messages that those who have passed over are well and happy, and very well cared for. What is the meaning of all this, why are so many – vaccinated and unvaccinated – catching this? A lightworker shares a lucid dream on the meaning of the Corona virus.
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Letting things flow

Letting things flowThe news bulletins are full of Covid-19 and little else – except, perhaps, the sport results. When many are unable to get tested, feel insecure, and feel the energy of inevitable succumbing to this virus all around them – the Hierarchy comes with a message. Ask for help. Access your higher consciousness and raise your energy-frequency-vibration. Let things flow. Descent into negativity does not help you nor anyone else. Help everyone by accessing your higher consciousness. Let things flow: be in your personal flow of higher energy-frequency-vibration, and so be an aide to all that is.
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Playing well together

hands shakingThere is much to distract us on Earth at this time. Omicron seems to have got out of control, and for some, Christmas is cancelled, again. The Sun traverses from solar minimum to solar maximum. More and more energy – and subtle inner light – is being released to all that live on Earth. Time is speeding up, vibrations are rising and individuals now feel these effects. Nonetheless, the 5th Dimension is here. We need to remind ourselves from time to time that all who come here – have a soul contract to fulfil. We are urged to play tag and pass the higher vibration and light energy on to all in our ambit. We can play well, together.
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There is a bigger picture

There is a bigger picture Judy Carroll and Paula Jane deliver Vlog called Just Love. They have regular contact with the people from the Stars: those we call starpeople. Here, they share a bright, cheerful message that takes us towards Christmas and reminds us that we can let our lights shine brightly.

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The Heart Space, the Truth, the Void and Groundhog Day…

Groundhog dayBy now, most of you are aware that you do not use your human brain at full capacity; the common estimate is most people use roughly 10% of their brain power. You may also be aware that the average human uses less than 10% of their DNA capabilities. Scientists often refer to the remaining 96% of inactive DNA as ‘junk DNA’. So it may not be surprising to learn that you do not actually perceive the totality of reality.
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The Pandemic and Change

The Pandemic and ChangeIt is clear from the pandemic that human life has changed forever. Humanity has faced many challenges, and changes in patterns of spirituality, work, exercise and relaxation continue to unfold. At this time we are called to be gentle both with ourselves and all that is in our environment. This is one of the manifestations of Ascension; it is part and parcel of new dimensions, and changes to energy, frequency and vibration. It is the time of androgyny, the time of the energy of the feminine rising and taking its place in humanity.
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What is most comfortable for you?

positive ballsSome people – well intentioned – tell you of this treatment or that meditation, and urge you to take up their experience or a new path. Is this spiritually right for you? Only you know. The Source has shared that your personal spiritual path is what feels most comfortable to you. (This is not letting you off conscience; conscience is the impression / communications from source within you).
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This Wave of Love: This Love Light

Heart of the SunMuch is happening on Earth at this time. Perhaps Earth has not known peace since the Hiroshima bombing; certainly, humanity has experienced many transformations since that time. We look to the Golden Age, the time when a wave of Love will flood the Earth and raise all to the divine essence – embodiments of Divine Love.

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Christine Day – Frequency Patterning for your Immune System

Christine DayMany do not know that we are embodied as a pattern of energy-frequency-vibration. We bring energies and frequency and our personal vibration (or signature) at birth. These are modified as we navigate the ups-and-downs of life. At this time, most of the planet is having a wild ride with this coronavirus and nation upon nation seek to vaccinate their populations. Here, a lightworker who brings gifts from on high (from the Pleiadians) graciously gives one key to changing our energy-frequency-vibration toward a protective pattern for our immune system. Now watch, and read on.
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