You are what you eat. Think of the gas station nozzle going into the car to supply energy that can be transformed by the car engine. Think now of the food you put into your body going down to the engine of your stomach and intestines: that energy, that life force, is taken up into your body. Just how much life-force is in the food you eat? Is the food peaceful, does the food excite energy within or does it put you to tiredness and sleep? These are important matters for those seeking Ascension.
Food is Personal
Food is personal. There’s not a one-size-fits-all approach to diet. What works for one person, may be detrimental to another. It’s what feels right for you. But what food should do is make you feel good. It should make you feel alive.
What’s Life Force Food?
Diet is a way of cultivating “Prana,” the Sanskrit word for life force or energy.
Ayurveda believes we should eat for the mind, body and spirit. Ayurveda “examines the whole human body as the product of food,” and “illustrates how an individual can recuperate by establishing the connection between elements of life, food, and body.”
In other words, food should give, not take. It should provide you with the sustenance your body needs to get through the day. It should also provide you with a positive state of mind. The best example of this is when you eat a big pub meal on your lunch break at work. Your afternoon isn’t the most productive is it? Not only does your body feel tired, but your mind is restless and unfocused. The food has taken from you.
So what are life force foods? Ayurveda classifies food into three main categories:
Sattvik – foods that give you vital, sustainable energy, and keep you focused and balanced, like fresh fruit and vegetables.
Rajasic – foods that give you a surplus of energy (they keep you going when you’re working hard), like condiments, salt, sugar, tinned fruit and vegetables.
Tamasic – foods that tip you off balance, and are best to keep to minimum, like meats, some dairy, alcohol, and frozen foods.
We have all heard the old adage, ‘You are what you eat’, and it is true on so many levels.
Energetically there are two main components of this. Firstly every item of food has its own vibration and energy field and second that we need to be able to resonate with the food’s vibrational energy in order for us to benefit from eating it.
The energetic vibration of food
There is a vast range in the vibrational energy of the food we eat. Imagine a scale ranging 0 (no vibrational energy at all) to 100 (bursting with vitality and vibrancy). Now think about placing every food item that you eat somewhere within that scale; I suspect there may be a few surprises. When we eat food that is energised, vibrant and in resonance with us, then we give our digestive system a gift. It is so easy for our whole-body system to absorb, assimilate and process the food and its nutrients, as well as to eliminate what isn’t needed by the body. After we eat energetically vibrant food we have energy! We feel good and our whole system health is enriched by being in resonance with the food that is now giving us life.
Food that has the most vibrancy and life-force
Fermented foods (Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Kefir etc)
More than any other food, fermented food has a rich array of colours and vibrations. Generally, the more vibrant the food is, the more the energy field emanates from the food, and this is so true of fermented foods, but there is also something that is quite unique about them, and that is that the energy within and around the fermented foods swirl. They move and dance and swirl in a rainbow of colours. It is like they are thousands of living foods rather than one. Perhaps this is also the energy of the bacteria and fungi that are co-creating the fermentation process, and making is so powerful. Most fermented food is a definite 100 on the scale and my most favourite food for its energy, its richness and its life force.
Food that has been loved by the sun, the earth, the rain and humans
Food is responsive to human activity. Try playing classical music to the tomatoes you have planted! The more nourishment and nurturing the food source has had, the more life-force it contains to be passed on to the human eating it. If the plant or animal has been given harsh chemicals or medication in order to break its natural cycle with life then that will show up in a drop in its vibrancy. The wholeness of the plant or the animal is broken at that time. They are no longer in right relationship with their natural environment and when you eat that food, your energy systems and your cells inherit this imbalance.
Food that you have grown/raised yourself
In this extension of the previous point, a plant or animal that you have grown or cared for will always resonate with your whole-body system far more greatly than one that you have bought.Local food. There is great power in the resonance with plants and animals that have been grown and cared for within the energy of the same piece of the earth that you live within. The energy of our land is the energy that we most specifically resonate with, (it is literally the energy that we are gifted every day), so plants and animals that have also been given life by that piece of land can resonate with us even more deeply. For some of you this may be a radius of a few miles from your home, for others it will be more like 100 or 200 miles as you recognise that the energy of your land spreads in similarity for a long way around you.
Food that has been grown or raised by someone else who loves caring for the plant or animal
Right at the bottom of list is: Food raised in monoculture with pesticides/growth hormones etc. This is devastating for the crops and the animals that are forced to endure gross conditions of survival. When such plants and animals are viewed merely as a resource rather than for their own sentience within the interconnective web of life, then we have robbed them of the vitality of their life experience and this is deeply reflected in the energy of the food that is then carried into our whole-body system.
In the Higher Dimensions:
Q: Do you eat only living food with the Life Force, or do you also use heat for cooking?
Adama ~ Our food is very delicately prepared and it is all ‘live’ and freshly picked. We eat mostly fruits and vegetables and grains, and our soy products, which we ferment out in the open air. We do “cook” some of our foods, but our type of “cooking” is much different from yours, because we don’t use electricity or microwaves or skillets or ovens or fire. We use technology that funnels heat into the food causing it only to warm up without changing its molecular structure in any way. We have technology that warms, without harming the Life Force. But most of our foods we eat at room temperature, and we are used to eating foods at this temperature.
Since it is always warm here in Telos and in the Hollow Earth, we have no craving for warm foods. We prefer cool foods that have just been picked and prepared in salad variations. We don’t do any baking here, at least not the kind you do on the surface. Yes, we do have “baked” goods, but they are “baked” in a different way, much like the food dryers you use to dry banana chips. We can make delicious cakes this way that still maintain their Life Force and keep their enzymes intact.
We understand that in the colder regions of the Earth, people need warming foods, not just for their body’s temperature but for the comforting effect. And yes, the Life Force is destroyed through electrical heat. This is yet another reason why your lifespans are so short and your energy levels so low compared to ours. It is because the way you prepare your food robs you of its Life Force, the giver of life. It is a force that gives you life, that gives your life the energy it needs to sustain you in any kind of physical climate and situation.
But over the millennia as the climate in many locations on the surface changed from temperate to cold, people’s eating habits and lifestyles changed to accommodate these colder climates, and hence people’s lifespans decreased from hundreds of years down to only 70-80 years now.
There is a very definite connection between the amount of Life Force in one’s food, the stamina in the body, and the length of years the body can live. It is the Life Force that keeps us alive, and the more Life Force we have, the more “alive” we are, and the livelier we feel. We thank you for this question.

Light … Matter … Energy
This time is the inbreaking of a new age on Earth. This time, this ‘age’ has been given many names and has many characteristics attributed to it. It is a time of planetary consciousness, and an uplift in consciousness for all – including Mother Earth herself. This is a time that seeks connection – prayer – entreaty to Love, to ‘The Force’ if you want to call it that, to your personal deity, to the Mother/Father God, to the Creator of the All, the Source. It is a time of inner discernment of the path that you walk. It is a time of staying close to Love, Truth, Right Action, Peace and Non-Violence. What is the non-violence needed here? The non-violence is refraining from forcing beliefs onto others, to treat all who walk their own path with Love, for we are all connected, there is only ONE. It is a time of a simple message of Love for all that is. Love for our Earth, love for creation – the birds and the bees – love for our families and our fellow humans – and love for those from the World of Light who have come here to assist us in this time of transformation.
Maintain your good character, maintain your connection with the Source, Maintain your love.