About: Spiritual Ascension

December Solstice 2023

Spiritual Ascension is a community of lightworkers who know and understand that the Earth itself – and all life on Earth – is moving through cycles of alignment with the higher aspects of the Cosmic Worlds. To spell it out, our Sun (Sol) is receiving energies from the Central Sun of our Universe which in turn is receiving energies from a core of suns and the Central Sun of all Universes.

There are disruptive weather patterns, including Earthquakes that create a cleaning out of negative energies and brings in its retinue a new train of Light passing through to the Earth. There are changes occuring within the Earth, and within the Human. Indeed, all humans will experience (interior) earthquakes of one kind or another; this community of Lightworkers stands ready to render support if asked. So also, we are told, Angels stand ready to render support.

They wait.

They must be asked.

The cycles of change in the Earth are very fast. If the Earth were to slow down, we would all fly off. Geoscience and other scientists will confirm this. The Earth has moved through these cycles of change before, and there will be more cycles of change in the future. From the future, there are those Lightworkers who have come from 6,000 years from the future to render assistance. They are here in the higher dimensions and work alongside our lightworkers.

The Lightworker role includes grounding to Mother Earth.

The role is simple—all you need to do is to call upon Divine Light so that you may earth it through your body and through your feet onto the ground – from there it will assist to equalize and neutralize the energies that are changing upon this Earth now.

Mother Earth is also asking for assistance … for she is having holes dug in her that actually helps to unbalance the flow of the interaction within the Solar System, The Galaxy and The Universe. And when I say ‘holes’ if you think about the amount of mining that is done to the Planet you would perhaps wonder if she can hold this balance within the Solar System … and in the Galaxy … and in the Universe.

The Earth is transiting to the 5th Dimension. It is an Era of Peace where people will care for their neighbours, give aid unasked, and agree to sit down and discuss their differences. They will never raise arms against another. The word ‘war’ does not exist in 5th Dimensional thinking.

Just as the Earth is passing through cycles of change the Soul has cycles of change also. Souls can take form (as human). Souls can be Light form. The soul holds records of what has gone before, where it has come, and what is to come. Changes can occur during soul cycles. The human can make choices. It is best to listen to the Guidance within: the Source of the All, the Creator, Universal Love, the Force – call it what you will. It is within, and will offer guidance whenever we turn within and seek its aid.

This is also a time of Prayer. At this time, Prayer is very important. It does not matter to whom you address your prayers – so long as they are sincere. One may connect to Love, to The Force, to the Source of the All. Prayer connects you to the Mother/Father God within who is ready to give assistance to you and to any others you pray for – including the Earth herself.

This community of Lighworkers seeks to bring you information that aids your understanding of Ascension, what is happening and how to strengthen and hold on to your connection with Love, the Source, the Force, the Mother/Father God, the Creator of the All. We journey together into the future with faith in ourselves and faith in our future.


December Solstice 2023

