Cosmic Destiny

 Cosmic DestinyMost of us take a while to find ourselves and our destiny. A few of us start life with a strong sense of noble purpose: great benefactors like Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela. There are others we might consider saints: the great artists Michelangelo and Rembrandt. Others might include Fra Angelico, and the great composer Johann Sebastian Bach. What is this thing, cosmic consciousness, cosmic destiny?

We have a cosmic connection with every one of us, including the (people) from the stars. We are literally the Universe, made completely out of the stuff of the stars. Awareness is not limited to our bodies, awareness can easily be cosmic consciousness (awareness) the moment we begin to seek it. We have a cosmic responsibility to one another, for each and every other is but our own self reflected in the mirror of our consciousness. If we hurt another, it is akin to hurting our own selves.

The universe is endless, it is from the end of eternity to the beginning of infinity:

  • Newton worked it out that our sun is a vast 10 million miles away from us.
  • And according to NASA, the Milky Way, our Sun’s home-galaxy, is a giant spiral of about 200 billion stars, maybe 300 billion.
  • And it takes one ray of light 100,000 years to travel across our entire galaxy.
  • But more. Do you realize that, in a jet at a normal 500 mph cruising speed, it would take us five million years to reach the nearest star beyond our own solar system, so the science journalist lan Lightman says!
  • And, today, the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy, our nearest neighbour, are rushing towards each other at 70 miles per second. That means we will collide in about 4 billion years from now.
  • However, the most distant galaxy is one we on earth will never have to worry about. Hubble observes that it is about 13.1 billion light years from earth or this many miles away 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. We will have burned out long before then.
  • Finally, contemplate this. The totality of living matter in all the stuff visible to us in the universe: “humans, animals, bacteria, pond scum” makes up about 0.000000000000001 percent, that is, one millionth of one billionth of 1 percent of all the stuff.


Many speak of the coming of the higher dimensions, the 5th Dimension. For some, it is the great restoration to a time before the Fall of Atlantis. Others call it the Age of Aquarius, others say it is the Golden Age, and some others tell it is the Return of the Light. Whatever the name, the recognition is in the heart: a return to an era of peace and harmony, wherein people will live with harmony and love; and there will be discussion and debate instead of discord and war.

So, what is really important about life?

1. Humans must be conscious of their Cosmic Origin.
2. Next, they must always be conscious of their Cosmic Connections.
3. They must be ever sensitive to their Cosmic Responsibilities.
4. And finally, they must never forget their Cosmic Destiny.

Cosmic Origin refers to the fact that we have all come from God, and have, every single one of us without exception, the Divine Genetic Codes within us.

Cosmic Connection refers to the Hierarchy. The Atma that pervades the entire Universe and everything that is within it, links us all in a subtle manner, a fact that now finds strong corroboration from Modern Science.

Cosmic Responsibility calls attention to the fact that no action of ours must ever cause harm to Society in any way or disturb Nature in any manner. It is only such action that would please God. In fact, Baba defines Dharma as loving actions that would benefit all, adding that it is such actions that please God most.

Cosmic Destiny is what has been explained as the Purpose of Life – from the Source of All Life We all have come, and to the Source of All Life we all should return, the sooner the better!

A number of different human-type cultures have been developed on Earth, and it is the Collective Consciousness of humanity that has created Earth as it is now. It is therefore up to the Collective Consciousness to change the world. Nobody from ‘out there’ can do it. Only those who are doing the creating can make the changes.

To repeat. you create your reality through the way you think. To change your planetary reality, you need to change the way the Collective Consciousness of your planet thinks. This begins with each individual person on Earth.

If a ‘magic button’ could be pressed that would make everyone on Earth start thinking love, peace and harmony rather than hatred, fear and discord, things would change in the blink of an eye. This message cannot be expressed enough! Positive as opposed to negative thought patterns is the key. People often ask, ‘Why don’t the ETs just come here and fix all the problems on Earth?’ The fact is, even if they could and did, without a change in the Collective Consciousness of humanity, it would soon revert back to where it is now. The change can only be done by humanity itself.


 Cosmic Consciousness


