Reflections from the Cosmos is made up of selections from channelled messages from Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides and Higher Beings from the World of Light. Here, one leader of the Hierarchy that oversights all of creation shares on a number of topics.
The Hierarchy
There is a Hierarchy. And the Hierarchy oversees much of what is going on within the Universe. In the Universe there are many that are on this Earth that may not accept that, and we respect that, but we would like you to consider it before you completely brush it from your mind. The Hierarchy has committed to assist the raising of the conscious of ALL the beings, including Mother Earth herself to a higher energy vibration frequency – which could be measured sacredly as the Christ energy – the Crystal energy – the Christos, if you like.
Where life Exists
Life exists upon this Earth, within this Earth, in dimensions that you cannot readily see with your physical eyes, but it is still upon this Earth – and then there are lives living in other worlds, in other dimensions.
Forms of Life:
We wish people to accept the existence of the World of Light and the Beings of Light, the Angelic Realms, which have no abode at all, but the Light Beings that do have an abode. They have form. They have language, they have a life it is different from what the earthlings live upon this Earth – but it is a life. There are many in the Cosmic Worlds and there are many races. Races of beings that are very different from how the earthling looks in appearance. The thinking is not necessarily much different – there are those that are in the Cosmic Worlds that are more animal looking. But that does not mean they are not intelligent – it does not mean they cannot produce technology that is far advanced than what you have here on this world of earth.
The Light Within
Everybody, everybody on this earth is enlightened by the Light of God. It is an influence that is with you all the time. If you accept that, you can readily connect to it. If you wish to battle with it, it is not easily heard. It is up to you -it is a choice -it is a choice that you need to make when you are here in a physical body on earth, known as The Earthling, this is the choice you have…
Life in the Cosmos
In the Cosmos the lives that exist are very real, in fact more real than what the little earthlings have on this Earth. The earthly life is very short in time. But in the Cosmos, depending which race one has incarnated into, the lives are a lot longer if measured in Earth time. It is very different.
There are many races that exist in the Cosmos, there are many forms, and languages – and appearances are very different from the earthling. Which is why it is a little hard for the earthling to accept. A different appearance, other Beings that they become confronted by, at some time. Everyone on this Earth is able to access the Cosmic Consciousness, which is within them. It is different levels of consciousness that exists within each person upon this Earth.
Soul Consciousness
You have a body consciousness – an awareness of your body and its needs. You may call this a kinaesthetic consciousness. The Soul has a consciousness, also.
For every human, this consciousness exists within the soul, the soul consciousness and their over-soul if you like. It has a story – there is a History and a Herstory -it holds the knowledge of their inner space, which has the knowledge of who they really are.
Life after Physical Life, Other forms of Life
There are those who do not even believe that there is life after leaving the physical body. This, we want to assure you is spirit – and you as spirit is not what comes from the life of the body that you are in – the spirit is what gives it life. So that without spirit, the body would lay dead. And of course, when it is time for you to move on, the spirit leaves the body. And so the body is no longer alive. It is simple – it is a wonder.
There are many, as I have said before, that live in other worlds. Other worlds within the universe. Those that live in other worlds, have lives, they interact with different places, they have a life that moves from one life, one race to another within the Cosmos. Is it is the same that is happening in the Earth race. The soul moves from one body to another.
Light Beings
The Light Beings that exist, come from, shall we say, a frequency of knowing and understanding and live with no limits. They have an ability to change form. You yourselves may have experienced a vision – or a dream in which an energy has presented itself to you – it is done this way so you will be tempted to reach out in your mind to find out more. And indeed there are many, such as yourselves who read these pages, that have explored that consciousness -that Universal Consciousness which has assisted you on your journey that you live in an Earth body. It is a wonder, is it not? It is full of wonder. It is wonderful.
Why Souls Come to Earth
There is much talk and wonder about the future, about what is happening upon the Earth and its role within the Cosmos. The Earth’s role is a very important one. For it holds an opportunity for Souls to come from various places around the Universe, into an Earth body, to play out a life, to experience emotions; to experience teachings; to experience love. Love with a partner, love with a family and love for each other. All these things give opportunity for souls that have not experienced this, to be able to come to a new understanding in a warmer body and to know the feeling of love.
For this is the role of the Earth. The Earth Mother who accepts all of these people who come and live upon her, so that she can nourish them and assist them to connect to her love and her care. All of this is assisting the Universe to change, to be at peace.
Only warm people experience love in their hearts; they give out through healing within their mind, their body and their soul. They will change; they will change each other and all will move forward to world peace – to Universal Peace – which is directly connected to the Mother-Father God of the Creator of All.
The weather patterns upon the Earth are changing, they are becoming stronger. Because of the realignment of this solar system with other solar systems, that feed back like a core to the Creation of All … all that you understand and know in your world, in your universe. There are many other universes as well but for you as Earthlings, you are limited to some degree … and you can lead to … just see things as they are, from your own point of view so that you can see and understand the picture that you are capable of seeing. You are limited, but you are able to see a larger picture than what you can see with your physical eye.
Life and Other Worlds
Other worlds do exist. And until the peoples of Earth come to understand and accept this, they will remain limited and ignorant. This is not a judgement—you have a choice. So go up, in your minds, to the understanding of life in other worlds—to the understanding of life that you have lived in other forms, in other worlds. For your soul in the cosmic consciousness has a history, and there is a knowing of what you have been … and where you are going … already within you.
Light … Matter … Energy
This time is the inbreaking of a new age on Earth. This time, this ‘age’ has been given many names and has many characteristics attributed to it. It is a time of planetary consciousness, and an uplift in consciousness for all – including Mother Earth herself. This is a time that seeks connection – prayer – entreaty to Love, to ‘The Force’ if you want to call it that, to your personal deity, to the Mother/Father God, to the Creator of the All, the Source. It is a time of inner discernment of the path that you walk. It is a time of staying close to Love, Truth, Right Action, Peace and Non-Violence. What is the non-violence needed here? The non-violence is refraining from forcing beliefs onto others, to treat all who walk their own path with Love, for we are all connected, there is only ONE. It is a time of a simple message of Love for all that is. Love for our Earth, love for creation – the birds and the bees – love for our families and our fellow humans – and love for those from the World of Light who have come here to assist us in this time of transformation.
Maintain your good character, maintain your connection with the Source, maintain your love.
Image Credits: NASA – Hubble, Hubble Telescope