The Veils, the Changes, the Balance

techno eyeIt is said that this world is illusion, and in fact, all is light. It is maya – illusion – that does not allow us to witness the light. Much of what we think, say and do is influenced by the media, and this includes social media. We will exist on the level of humanity we think and believe we will exist on. If we connect head to heart, we can rise above the mass illusion. We are part of a greater family of Oneness, and the bindings of that family are the heart-strings of universal love.

Everyone born on the planet is born under a series of veils which entangle and filter the original source consciousness. These veils must be ‘broken through’ in order to return to source.

There is technology and a sacred process which initiates, accelerates and enhances this process. This process is as difficult as we want it to be, our subconscious already knows all hidden truths. It is merely a matter of allowing the conscious mind to make the proper connections and conclusions to find the reasoning behind our actions and beliefs in order to deprogram and deconstruct the false-world that has been created for the masses. The truth is greater than one can imagine while still living in the modern world and the depth of the lies that have been told go far beyond anything anyone can imagine without seeing the truth.

We have to figure out our compatibility issues. Who can work with who effectively. What the ideals of our current situation will evolve to in the future. How information is transferred to the public, and across the generations and core groups. The words we think and say describe our emotional state in a feedback loop and so they will reinforce or even create the state you are in. Use words to guide you, not to respond and feel the effects of reactionary thinking.

We have to reintroduce the heart essence as a way of life on Earth. Violence is not the answer. We can face any problem together. A family is strong. What would a family of millions and millions be like?

We don’t have to let others change us to tune into lower vibrations. We can remain ourselves in the face of adversity. We can still interact with others who are different, but we can tell the truth and remain who we are. When we get angry at another person, we can imagine this as anger at ourselves through something within us that reminds us of that which we see in another. Getting angry is a way of short-cutting changing ourselves and is actually the other person influencing us through that. If we remain steady and choose to keep our emotions out of the lower negative spectrum then we will automatically have a more powerful impact on those around us.

Think of your family, sometimes things happen that make you angry. Even things that don’t make you angry but are simply not favourable. Would you break off all ties over simple things? Or do you remind yourself that family is still family even if you don’t find yourself exactly the same or accepting of those characteristics? It’s more powerful to learn how to remain yourself in the face of adversity than to try and demolish or abolish all instances of difference in the world around you. Sure, we want to get to and create a place where our environment and associates are compatible with us, but where we find this adversity there is the highest potential for self-awareness and learning.

Balanced food intake, rest, exercise, activity and learning are all continual requirements for a healthy existence. Emotional and creative expression nurtures the soul. Without these ways of being and learning the human qualities of experience diminish and creativity dwindles. Balance in all things is needful: work, spirituality, exercise and creativity. Then we will have balance with what we see, hear and do. We will not be hijacked by the veils of illusion and the influencers in the media.


Smartphone and illusion


Image Credits: Pixabay/Peter Linforth, Pixabay/David
