We are Beings of Light and the more we focus on white light within, the more we transform ourselves. Some tell Ascending is a process of peace. Others tell it may be a process of being challenged. The truth is that information must produce transformation. We look to the New Frontier – on Earth, in our Soul, in our Consciousness. Transformation will take place – for all that is on Planet Earth.
We are beings of light:
There comes an inner Sun. The inner Sun – glows. It is Light. And people refer to Divine Light that comes from the Sun; and the warmth of it – and how it makes you feel. You feel lifted; you feel happy – when there is gentle warmth.
And this is the Love that we speak of from other worlds. When we speak, and sometimes have influenced different beings of those who are called Prophets that write of these things. And they talk about the Spirit, which is Light.
It is within you as a human – and it is around you. It was seen – and is seen – by psychic people. But it is also seen with ‘machinery’ that operates in your medical world – in what you call hospitals – and they see what used to be called an aura – but it is the same; it is Light. And they see colours. And colours – of course – make up Light.
They make up White Light.
I am bringing this to your attention because I want you to really think about who you are. And I can say to you that you are Light Beings.
You have a Soul. Well in some ways you would call a Soul the Sol (or the Sun). And it is the inner Sun – of you!
It glows.
It is only when you allow emotions to take over you that it becomes an energy that is the Shadow. And blocks the light … … … to some degree.
So my message today – is to ask you to free yourself of the emotions that are negative – in that they are like a shadow that hold back the brightness of your natural light which can be related to things like positivity – or a creative thought – and emotion.
You can think about this. This (light) is what you can allow to flow through you. You can allow it to BE you.
That’s all you have to be – is to be kind, and compassionate.
We can use the light within to change things we want to see changed.
Now having said this you have this language that is within you – a language of Light – it is vision – it is imagination – it is a nation of images. And if you sit quietly, and work with that, you can help bring changes upon this Earth and within yourself – by seeing the event or images changing to how you would like them to be.
It gives me joy to be able to hear you and how you respond to things. Because this is the answer to life and living with peace in your hearts and coping with whatever life puts in front of you. Because sometimes your life’s situations can be quite challenging. And this is what I would just like to talk about today – because there is quite a lot of challenge taking place around the world, these days.
It will not last for too long, but it will continue for some time. There is a new energy coming on to this planet and it is causing disruptions – but at the same time it is lifting the energy upon this planet. Lifting it to a point that has been called ‘an ascended state.’ The whole of the planet will raise in consciousness and that is what is happening. So if you think of your body as having a consciousness – it does. It is separate from your Soul Consciousness which I have spoken of many times. Your body has a consciousness also, it could survive for a very little time after death is approaching. But it will eventually lose, or leave that consciousness when the Soul and Spirit leaves the body.
The New Frontier
My message today is not that much different from the messages I have been giving … very recently. It is a time of challenge; it is a time to think about who you are and why you here and how you can change that. So my message is not very long today, but rather, to encourage you to continue to work within yourself, and look within rather than outside, for any reactions you have – and then think about the (negative) emotions – and ask for that to be taken away.
And to look at what it is you react to, and why you react to something. For if everybody did this upon this Earth – just imagine – if they did this – all together at the same time – there would be Peace. Because everybody would stop reacting.
It is the emotion that is within you, that is causing you problems, problems within your soul – and problems around you – for like attracts like. If you are upset, it somehow attracts another upset person. If you are angry, it attracts another angry person.
But this can change. If you can deal with your emotions, and ask that God within you to take that away from you; and then look at why you react. You can find some understanding within you – what it is and why you are reacting.
And if it is not taken away soon, easily, then you can ask God to give you some insight. Which means you need to sit for a little while, for say ten minutes or so in a meditation – in a meditative state – and ask why it is that you react.
Thoughts will come; ideas will come! Intuition will come (which is inner teaching). All these things are within you, to help you. You will receive images, sometimes. Or even a voice may speak to you. For that is good. Welcome that! Do not be afraid! For everything that is within you is of God, who is within you. Remember that.
There is no need to be afraid, ever! You have that strength within you, you have courage within you to deal with anything that is put in front of you, or behind you or beside you. It is an opportunity to grow.
It is an opportunity – perhaps – to share with another. Or to assist another. There will be a reason and a purpose for everything. There always is.
So I would like you to just think about that and work with it. It is important. You have the ability to do this, to heal yourselves. This is where everyone needs to start.
It is the New Frontier. That is one way of putting it. A new frontier for everyone. To look within you if there is a problem; not without. But why it is attracted to you (the problem) it is for a reason … it is to help you to understand, it is to teach you … you can learn from it … you can understand, you can change things that react to you. You can ask for the God within you to change that.
It is possible; and it is very easy – it is the reality of who you are, it is the gift you have been given: this is what you are born with – a Soul – and the centre of a Soul is God. That is who you are … so please do not forget this.
Look within you, my Children, the answers are there!
Image Credits: Pixabay / John Hain, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann