We come from the world of light – as do many others in other dimensions – here on Earth and in the Stars. We have a jewel within, a jewel that can shine and become brighter day by day. We can take that jewel with us when we return to the world of light.
I have much to speak of from the Cosmos and I wish people to think about it. To accept the existence of the World of Light and the Beings of Light, the Angelic Realms, which have no abode at all, but the Light Beings that do have an abode. They have form. They have language, they have a life it is different from what the earthlings live upon this Earth – but it is a life. There are many in the Cosmic worlds and there are many races. Races of beings that are very different from how the earthling look in appearance. The thinking is not necessarily much different – there are those that are in the Cosmic Worlds that are more animal looking. But that does not mean they are not intelligent – it does not mean they cannot produce technology that is far advanced than what you have here on this world of Earth.
If you can think of the larger picture, Life exists upon this Earth, within this Earth, in dimensions that you cannot readily see with your physical eyes, but it is still upon this Earth – and then there are lives living in other worlds, in other dimensions.
Your mind is governed by your physical brain and your physical brain is a little like a computer that has been downloaded in your life here on Earth with information that influences you before you came here – while you have been here – and where you are going after you have been here.
All this information is within your brain, but there is a consciousness that influences you readily – from the God (or Source) within you.
Everybody, everybody on this earth is enlightened by the Light of God (or Source). It is an influence that is with you all the time. If you accept that, you can readily connect to it. If you wish to battle with it, it is not easily heard. It is up to you – it is a choice – it is a choice that you need to make when you are here in a physical body on earth, known as The Earthling, this is the choice you have.
You are blessed, you have opportunity to grow. Not just as you are in the physical but in your character – which is what you take back when you return to the World of Light. Remember that. It is not material objects, you know this – it is your character.
Shine it, hone it, listen to it like a special jewel and create a bright shining jewel that you can return to the World of Light. What happens to you in your life here on this earth is not by accident. You have written a blue-print and have agreed with others to meet at various times through the life that you live upon this Earth. These influences create a stage play and it is from that interaction that you can allow your character to evolve, to grow and to become wise. Listen to the God – Source within who comes with love and compassion.
Meditating on light can raise the level of light within the individual. Meditating on light for our home, Planet Earth, can raise the level of light in places where this is needed. For LIGHT can be, as you know when you turn on a light in a room it has different voltages in different countries – in some countries it is brighter – sometimes it is darker. In a way, the Light in each individual on this Earth is the same. Sometimes it is brighter and sometimes it is darker. Such meditation is always of help to others.
Glowing Ember Meditation
(He) (Source) explained to us that when a person comes to Him, or starts to follow a spiritual path, the gold nugget in his/her heart becomes alive like a glowing ember. However, it must be tended and kept alive just as a fire must be stoked and gently encouraged to burn brightly with the help of a pair of bellows. He went on to say that we all have a built-in mechanism which can be used in a similar way to the bellows, namely, our own breathing, and that He would give us a breathing exercise use to keep our embers glowing.
First, He told us to simply to allow our lungs to fill with air without any effort on our part. He explained that the pressure inside and outside of the body will equalise if allowed to do so naturally.
When the lungs are full of air we should gently and slowly exhale the air, but direct the flow in the direction of the glowing ember within the heart to keep it alive. He demonstrated how the head can be inclined slightly down towards the heart to make it easier to visualise.
He made a point of telling us that the exercise can be done at any time and in any place; in a plane or a car; at work or at home; alone or with people, and that there is no excuse for not doing it. Neither can it be forgotten, for, he pointed out, no one forgets to breathe! He went on to say that no tools are needed but no-one can do it for another person, and added with another smile, that even He cannot do it for us. We must take responsibility for doing it ourselves. “Who says it has to be complicated?” he asked. “It is as simple as breathing. You will soon become addicted to it and then it will continue without your constant attention. You will also have more energy. If your fire is glowing everything will be much easier. This tiny little exercise will grow and have far-reaching results if you remember to do it. It will expand your capacity to carry more light. Instead of being like a twenty watt electric light bulb you will be able to increase it to forty, sixty watts and on up.’
Pixabay/Open Clipart Vectors
Image Credits: Pixabay / Open Clipart-Vectors, Pixabay/ Antonio Rosales Hernández