Life – that is, life that you experience, does not simply exist in three dimensions. There are more dimensions, and many of you will know that the Earth – and all that lives upon Earth – is rising to the 5th Dimension. Part and parcel of that rise is inner transformation of the human, activation of junk dna and long-forgotten psychic skills, and formation of rainbow dna, which is inherent to Ascension. An example of this is that all children born after the year 2000 have access to a wider spectrum of colour, light and sound, in addition to psychic strengths.
This image shows human chromosomes stained with fluorescent dyes to mark those of different length and structure (each containing different genes, or genetic programs). A microscopist can then use a computer to arrange the chromosomes into pairs that match each other–these represent the two copies of each chromosome that came from each of this person’s two biological parents via the egg and sperm. This paired arrangement of chromosomes (the boxed area of the photo) is called a karyotype. Such images can be very helpful in studying aspects of normal chromosome structure, but they also can identify chromosome defects associated with certain human conditions, such as Down syndrome, in which a person has three copies of chromosome 21.
It’s easy to see in a karyotype how many chromosomes each kind of organism has; in humans, it’s 46 (23 from each parent). That’s because chromosomes coil up very tightly when the cell is getting ready to divide (it’s easier to move DNA around for cell division when it’s coiled up into tight little segments), and scientists can choose these cells when creating the karyotype image. But notice the picture at the top of the photo: here, the DNA fills the spherical outline of the nucleus, the chromosome colours are more diffuse, and it’s hard to see where one chromosome begins and the next one ends. That’s because chromosomes uncoil quite a bit when the cell isn’t dividing, so the DNA can be accessed to run the programming of the cell. That picture is pretty, and you can see that there are different chromosomes there, but you can’t say for sure exactly where each chromosome is, how long it is, how each relates to its neighbours, where its ends are, etc.
What is DNA (a simple story)
The structure of the DNA is comparable to a ladder, with the sugar and phosphate molecules forming the vertical side-pieces and the base pairs forming the rungs. The DNA is screwed in that way, that it forms a spiral called double helix. The order (sequence) of the bases is in particular interesting for researchers, because they determine the biological information available for building and maintaining an organism.
An important property of the DNA is that it can replicate. This means that each strand of DNA double helix can serve as a pattern for making an exact copy of the sequence of bases, which is critical for cell division.
In the middle of the DNA ladder are located the base pairs, whose sequence depicts the genetic information. The sequence of the bases can be read like a text that provides instructions for making gene products. Thus, a gene is a part of the DNA that is read off and translated into a molecule, mainly a protein. Humans have between 25,000 and 30,000 genes, whose size vary between a few hundred DNA bases up to more than 2 million bases. Origami dna, anyone?
Rainbow DNA
“Human DNA uses the Phi ratio to form the wave that spins our genetic codes. Scientists, seeking to unravel the mystery of these codes, observe a mass of unexpressed DNA within the traditional double helix. Labelled by some as “junk” DNA, this additional information epitomises our highest potential as yet unexpressed. In most humans only about three percent of the is code is currently switched on.
Part of the change we are going through, part of this ascension process, is awakening in us our dormant DNA. This opens up hidden gifts, talents and abilities that we only read about in books or see in science fiction movies, it’s pretty amazing stuff! As the two strands open up to become twelve strands of DNA, telepathy, self healing, clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, claircognizance, telekenisis and astral travel, among other gifts become possible.
The Rainbow Serpent
If we take the minutes, the hour, the day, the month and the year from our time, we are left with Dreamtime, that time when Rainbow Serpent created our world.
There are many ancient Australian stories about the Creator God, and many different names are given. Among the Australian indigenous peoples the oldest name used for Creator is Biame, the “creator fellow long time back“. Most of these stories also speak of Rainbow Serpent as the creator, moving over the landscape and creating hills and gullies, rivers and billabongs, and the many different dimensions of the land. This land, for the Australian Indigenous peoples, was a sacred land with sacred legends. It was the spiritual task of the indigenous peoples (the different aboriginal language groups) to “sing the country”, in order to keep the spirit there and keep the story of their creation alive.
The Rainbow Serpent represents an Aboriginal perspective on the divine spirit and creative power manifest in all creation. So pervasive is the Rainbow Serpent in Aboriginal tradition, that respecting and honouring what their tradition represents is an important bridge between all things Aboriginal and the spiritual paths of others who have come to Australia. The Rainbow Serpent has taken on a powerful symbolism that represents not only an ancient belief but a present-day worldview — that like the multiple colours of the rainbow, we are united.
It is time for all on Earth to become united and recognise there is only one race, the human race. The human race – along with all that exists on Earth – is ascending to higher dimensions. Here, we offer a rainbow dna meditation.
Rainbow DNA Meditation
The ascension energy currently coming in both supports us and uplifts us, changing our DNA structure and awakening gifts that were previously held in other realms and times on earth. What you can expect is fluctuation in your energy as the incoming energies integrate. Just as healing takes time, integration of ascension energy into our bodies takes time. Empowering our dormant dna (switching on) also takes time.
So take time, do a short mediation daily, focussing on the colourful double helix dna within you.
Take a thin line of golden light from your crown chakra down to the centre of the Earth. There you will find a steel ball spinning. Tell yourself “Change dimension” and see the green fields and lush forest of Mother Earth. There in the forest, you will see many many crystals embedded in the land.
Invite one crystal to come to you and wait until it appears beneath your body.
Slowly raise the crystal until it touches your base chakra, and see the small red orb of energy embedded within the crystal. Take three deep breaths.
Again, raise the crystal until it touches your second chakra, and see the small orange orb of energy embedded within the crystal. Take three deep breaths. You can now see two orbs in the translucent body of the crystal.
Once again, raise the crystal until it touches your solar chakra, and see the small yellow orb of energy embedded within the crystal. Take three deep breaths.
Then raise the crystal until it touches your heart chakra, and see the large green orb of energy embedded within the crystal. Take three deep breaths.
Raise the crystal to your throat, and see the blue orb of energy embedded within the crystal. Take three slow breaths.
Raise the crystal to your third eye, between the eyebrows, and see the indigo orb within the crystal. Again, take three slow breaths.
Raise the crystal to your crown chakra, the very top of the head, and see the crystal envelop the violet orb that rests there. Take three deep breaths.
Return to the green orb in your heart and see the rainbow coloured double-helix dna strand turning slowly in your heart. Allow this rainbow dna to move slowly in a clockwise fashion, and as it turns, see it growing larger and larger, until it fills all the cells in your body. Rest in the warm energy of the rainbow dna for several minutes.
You will feel a slight (energising)(excitation) of the cells in your body when you do this. Make sure, when you leave this meditation (after several minutes) that you ground yourself: tell yourself what day it is, what time it is, what you are doing next. Make sure you thoroughly ground yourself after the mediation.
It is best to do this at a regular time and place so that your mind and body settle down and immediately tune in – prepared for a session of meditation. Habit trains our minds and its energy systems. You will create your own temple of reflection and peace, a shelter from the windstorm that is man-made and will grow stronger as resolution comes into place.