Love is such a little word to express or contain so vast and complex an emotion. Love is the primary need of every child, and it continues to be avidly sought throughout life by everyone, consciously and unconsciously. And yet, it is so often misunderstood.
Many people have not been given the kind of parental love they needed in order to thrive, for the simple reason that their parents did not receive it from their parents, and therefore did not understand how to express it.
For a surprising number of people, love is synonymous with sexual attachment. Many couples cite this confusion as the main problem in their relationship. It is also one of the causes of incest, which is at present surfacing as a serious problem as this previously subterranean subject is being aired, and more people are becoming increasingly willing to deal with its presence in society. If the only way a person knows how to express their feelings is through sex, then that will be the only avenue through which they can offer their love to their children. However, an incestuous parent is likely to be filled with guilt which they might vent in anger on the very child who elicited this reaction. So many young children are bewildered by a parent suddenly turning against them because of the inability to love them in any way other than sexually.
It is particularly necessary for adolescents to be taught that there is, indeed, a difference between love and the sexual sensations they are beginning to be aware of as they grow. They need to know that these two sorts of feelings are not necessarily always experienced simultaneously, as is so often believed.
Love and the Functions
The love that emanates from the High Consciousness is a potent energy that can be expressed through any or all functions. It is polarised and therefore creative according to the function through which it is expressed. So, when it is expressed as sex, and creates children, it involves the sensation function related to the body and connected to the five senses, and can be stimulated by any or all of them.
Through the feeling function, love is expressed as affection, tenderness, empathy and compassion, which all emanate from the heart and create friendship and caring for others.
When people are only able to think their love, it is expressed through the head and intellect and is not warm, reassuring or compassionate, but cold and often calculating. It is creative on the mental level, spawning ideas, plans, designs and concepts that then have to be made manifest on the material level.
By way of the intuition or psychic outlet, love allows a person to tune into another dimension, and understand how other people are feeling, their moods, their problems and the events in their lives. It manifests itself creatively in wondrous inventions.
It can easily be seen that the love-force is many-faceted and can take a variety of different forms. The more facets of the human personality through which it is expressed, the more fulfilled the person.
But how does one express love in these varied ways without instruction? That is a very serious problem and one that is rapidly becoming crucial.
Love is Energy
As love is energy, it must be free to flow. If it is blocked or repressed, it can change into its opposite, hate. One of the most common ways to stop its flow is by using it for selfish purposes. Yes, we all need to love ourselves but if it stops there so does the flow. Love must be given if we are to continue to receive it.
For various reasons, very few people know how to love. If they were not taught how to love, or given positive loving role models to follow in childhood, they need methods to teach them. Several techniques designed specifically for that purpose have been given in this work.
The Tree technique is useful in connecting a person to the loving Cosmic Parents, the two aspects of the High Consciousness. It involves breathing in the love each Cosmic Parent offers when asked, and breathing out any blocks that may be preventing its acceptance. This love can fill the void left from the lack of love often experienced since childhood.
But, by far the most effective way to give and receive love. Since the actual nature, or essence, of the High Consciousness is love, what better instructor, not only to teach it, but also to give it copiously when asked to do so? When the High Consciousness is asked to give the gift of love and, when it flows into you to be directed to others, the flow is unending. Not only does the recipient benefit from it, but so does everyone with whom it is shared.
A very helpful habit for people to adopt is to take a few minutes at the start of the day to ask the High C to think, speak, feel, act and especially to love through them all day. It can then send Its essence, love, through all the available avenues of body, mind, emotions, psyche and spirit.