Symbols are the language of the unconscious. The conscious mind has access to the associative parts of the brain, to language, understanding and speech. The conscious mind has access to the intellect, and thus, access to reason. The Unconscious mind does not have this access. The unconscious mind does not have this access and communicates by way of “gut feeling”, intuition and symbols. Certain symbols can be impressed on the unconscious to bring about safety, security and self-confidence.
Over the years, various symbols have been given to be used as exercises for specific purposes in a daily routine. The subconscious part of the brain has to be reached and programmed before a new habit can be started. If the learning steps reach only the conscious mind, the knowledge is merely in the head and is soon forgotten. To reach the subconscious, a new piece of information has to be repeated daily many times, preferably in pictorial form, because that part of the mind is not rational and does not understand reasoning or words. This truth has always been known to the old teachers, hence the Chinese saying that a picture is far more useful than a thousand words.
Thus when we flash a symbol or picture daily, the subconscious acts on the comments it receives in this way and co-operates with the conscious mind to bring about the desired effect. After a symbol has been used a number of times, it gathers energy and this, in turn, increases the depth to which the message is imprinted.
Some of these exercises refer to the High C. This is your Higher Self, your Higher Consciousness, or your connection to the Source, the Creator, your God or your spiritual self. For example, many imagine the High C to be a gentle ball of golden light. After some time, this may take the form of a recognisable divine form or spiritual guide. It is different for everyone.
Protective Symbols
Often it is necessary to give a person a specific symbol as a protection from some person or situation which is too strong and powerful for him to deal with until he is able to work in other ways to build up sufficient strength and security in himself to cope with it. There are many symbols that are useful for this purpose, so we either ask to be shown which one is applicable, or allow the person to pick the one which feels right to him.
Balloon or Bubble
This is to be visualized exactly like a soap bubble, reflecting from its surface all the colours of the rainbow, but less fragile, and more like a rubber balloon, though large enough for the person using it to be able to move around comfortably inside it. It is especially helpful for super-sensitive persons who react to the slightest criticism, real or imagined, as the barbs bounce off the surface of the bubble and cannot affect them. Most people accept the symbol with real enthusiasm and immediately feel safer when they imagine it to be around them at arm’s length in all directions.
As this is a thought form, it is possible to keep it in place in the imagination wherever the person happens to be, in a group of people, driving a car, in the midst of traffic, or flying in a plane. There is therefore no excuse for not doing the exercise. We advocate using it as often as needed, until the person is strong enough to handle those situations and relationships which usually disturb him.
Plate Glass Screen
Sometimes when a person comes for help, it becomes apparent that a certain relationship, most often with a negative parent can present emotional and fearful difficulties. Other relationships which often present this difficulty are those with in-laws, other relatives, a boss, workmates, etc. For such extreme reactions we use an imaginary, very thick shatterproof glass screen, which is visualized between the person and whoever is the problem he has to deal with.
This is usually a temporary protection, but is most effective when it is used, as it allows the person to relax until he develops sufficient strength to deal with any problem without this crutch, as further insight makes this possible.
Cylinder of Light
This symbol has been suggested as a protection for someone who feels that life is very threatening for some reason and temporarily needs to be insulated in order to work on the causes of this condition. First, we suggest that a circle of gold light be imagined or visualized on the ground at arm’s length around them. As soon as this is clearly seen, we direct them to draw the gold light up from the circle to form a cylinder of light all around them, from the feet all the way up above the head, or as far as he wishes it to be, for comfort and security.
As with the other devices, this should be visualized in the morning and kept in place throughout the day by remembering to be aware of it at intervals during the day. It should be visualized again on retiring for sleep, to insure the continued feeling of security throughout the night, when people feel most vulnerable.
The Pyramid
This symbol is also often used as a protective device. In this case, the person imagines that he is standing in the centre inside the pyramid, just beneath the apex, and visualizes light flowing down from that point as from the High C, and filling the entire space. Several of those to whom it has been given have reported an increase of energy after using it, in addition to the protection.
Umbrella or Sunshade
This is often suggested for a person who feels his head is in a whirl caused by people bombarding him with their opinions, demands, criticisms, and doubts, so that he finds it difficult to be sure of what he himself really thinks about something, and therefore has trouble making decisions.
He is told to imagine the central shaft of the umbrella running up his spine and on up through his head like an antenna, with the canopy the same size as the circle used to designate each person’s territory, that is, at arm’s length around him. As with the other symbols, it is a matter of remembering to be aware of it and keeping it in place at all times. It can be discarded as soon as the person has become strong enough to withstand other peoples’ demands and commands.
The central pole can be imagined connecting him up to his own High C, the canopy screening out distraction, so that he can begin to catch the quiet messages which emanate from that point to help him to decide what to do and in which direction to move. When we are seeking to know the difference between our own will, the strong will of another person, such as that of a parent or mate, and that of our High C. The advice is, “When you are in doubt, do nothing. Then go to a quiet place and ask to be shown, and you will know.”
Using the umbrella helps to do this more easily.
A symbol frequently given to help with decision making is a pair of scales. The one seeking help is instructed to imagine, or remember a large pair of scales with a centre pole and two arms at either side suspended from which are two pans or trays. We then suggest that he place on one of the trays a symbol for one of the two possible solutions, and a symbol for the other solution on the other tray. He is then told to turn away from his inner scene for a few moments, then turn back quickly, look at the scales, and immediately say which pan is weighted down lower than the other.
Some people report that the two pans are moving up and down, so we direct them to watch until they finally stop, then they will be able to see which one is lower and which is higher. Others see one higher and the other lower almost immediately, and very quickly realize that the heavier side is the more favourable choice, or holds more weight as a solution. Sometimes both pans are evenly balanced, which suggests that either decision would be acceptable.
Another symbol we often use for decision making is a cross-roads with various signposts indicating different directions. The person who is at a crossroads in life is asked to visualize this symbol and read what is written on the signs. Often one will say ‘Dead-end’, another, ‘Detour’, while others will bear a specific direction which is understood by the person, or he will see a symbol which can be interpreted. Sometimes it is necessary for him to be willing to go down one or more of the paths to find out where each one will lead before a decision can be reached. Many people who have used this method are amazed that such a simple way works so well in finding answers to their questions.
Five-Pointed Star
Sometimes we are asked for a protection against psychic invasion of various kinds. For this we have been given a five-pointed star or pentacle, which is a very old symbol with a long history of many uses. It has been found to be particularly effective to protect a house against uninvited guests, spirit or otherwise, where these have become nuisance. To prevent such intrusion, the star should be drawn in the air and visualized at all the doors and windows of the house, taking care to have the point towards the outside, to create a barrier to entry.
To draw this star, start with the right hand at the left side of the body and make a large inverted V, ending it over on the right side of the body. From there, continue the figure by dissecting the first line of the inverted V, and then draw a line straight across or horizontally to dissect the second line of the original point, and continue back down to the left side from where it was started, as shown in the accompanying diagram.
As an added protection, a candle can be burned continuously for several days, and a small container of salt placed in all four corners of each room while a window is left open a crack. Incense burned in the house also helps to cleanse it. These methods, we have found, effectively rid a house of unwanted ghosts or psychic projections.
Beehive for Energy
We have been given a symbol to use: one of those old-style rounded beehives which look like Eskimo igloos. The person needing energy imagines he is sitting inside the hive, rather like a Queen Bee, being fed and tended by the worker bees, breathing in deeply with each breath the energy he needs. The pyramid acts in a similar way, but here it is the sunlight striking the top of it and raying down to the person within, which gives the extra energy.
The Wave for Relaxation
Before giving this symbol, it is wise to inquire if the person has any fear of the sea or does not feel relaxed when near the ocean. If there is no problem, he is directed to lie down on an imaginary beach, right at the water’s edge, with his feet pointing out to sea. He is then told to imagine a long slow wave approaching him, gently washing over his whole body, stopping at his neck. As it recedes, he should consciously let go of all tension, and allow the wave to wash it out of him and away into the vast ocean to be dissipated. Many tense or nervous people have found this exercise so relaxing that they reported that they fell asleep while doing it.
These symbols have been in use since ages. They have been given by the Higher Consciousness of all humans. They are accessed by millions daily, and used multiple times daily. You will understand that these symbols are robust, strong and effective when utilised as given above. They are not frivolous imaginings, they are given to help people manage their lives, come to self-awareness and master the mind. The mind is the servant, who takes notice of and absorbs the higher energy – frequency – vibration of these symbols. They are the gateway to the higher dimensions, the 5th and up.
Image Credits: Pixabay/Alexa, Pixabay/Open Clip art vectors, Pixabay/Victoria Watercolour, Pixabay/Clker-Free-Vector-Images, Pixabay/Gerd Altmann, Pixabay/Clker-Free-Vector-Images, Pixabay/Dimitris Vetsikas