Faults and undesirable can be eliminated from the mind and attitudes by use of symbols. Symbols are the language of the unconscious. The conscious mind has access to the associative parts of the brain, to language, understanding and speech. The conscious mind has access to the intellect, and thus, access to reason. The Unconscious mind does not have this access. Presenting symbols to the unconscious to eliminate faults is extremely effective. However, it takes time, and is not a magic wand to be waved once or twice and the problem is gone forever. A series of symbols and exercises is shown.
Symbols to Eliminate Faults
When a person is working on their various weaknesses or negative habits, they will often ask how they can more quickly free themselves of them. Several methods have been suggested, and more arise as an increasing number of people use this method and ask to be shown what to do.
The Authority Figure
With many people who have a clear picture of their own High C or other authority figures, such as the Cosmic Parents, it is a simpler matter to hand the weakness over to the Cosmic Parents or similar Hi-C related authority figure, completely surrendering it. This surrender usually brings about release.
The Torch
Some people, however, either cannot visualise such a figure or are not open to doing so and, for them, there are other ways. One of these is the torch, which is usually seen as very large and often permanently erected in a special place, such as a shrine, where the person can go for this release. I suggest that you find a symbol to represent for yourself the unwanted aspect of yourself which you wish to eradicate, such as an angry-looking mask, or a clenched fist for anger, and hold this up to the flaming torch to be destroyed.
The Flame in a Platter
Another way is to visualise a huge flat metal platter, in the middle of which burns an eternal flame, into which the symbolic object representing the unwanted negative quality can be thrown.
Other Methods
Some people imagine they are stuffing their symbols representing negative habits into a furnace or flinging them far out into the ocean, or over a cliff or dropping them from a plane. There is no end to the variety of methods which are forthcoming in this way, each one being effective for the person choosing it.
Figure Eight
I have already described what we call the Figure Eight exercise used as a preparation for cutting the connecting ties between parents and children. However, it has even more widespread uses and has become one of our most useful symbols. It can be used to free a person from anything or anyone which dominates them. Thus, many things can be placed in the opposite circle: a difficult person, habits, appetites and addictions, a restricting self-image and many more. Alcoholics can use a symbol for drink such as a bottle; drug users, one for drugs such as a needle or cigarette. For those who want to lose weight, those foods which are a strong temptation, such as rich desserts like ice cream, pastries, cakes, candy, or other fattening foods, can be placed in the other circle. The Figure Eight can also be used to free a person from the domination of fear, anxiety, doubt, anger, envy, jealousy and many other negative emotions, as well as from the many limiting self-images which prevent people from living up to their potential, particularly those imposed by parents during childhood, comparison or competition with siblings, and memory of past failure in some activity. The list is limitless, but all that is needed is to find a symbol which successfully and convincingly portrays whatever it is which has gained control or power over the person.
The important thing to remember is that this exercise, like all the others, only works if it is practised regularly and long enough to impress the message on the subconscious mind of the person seeking to be free. Sometimes when someone has been visualising the Figure Eight for a while there will come a time when the two circles will separate. This is an indication that the message has been understood and accepted and it is time to complete the separation. There are many different ways to achieve the separation, as each person asks to be shown what to do. Some merely push the other circle containing the unwanted dominating factor far away, into the ocean, over a cliff or into outer space. Others need to set fire to it together with the contents, bury it deep in the earth, destroy it with acid or laser beams. The methods are limitless. It is only important that the method satisfy the person involved, as it is the subconscious which must be impressed with the need to release them from the particular domination from which he suffers. In this same way, many ‘hang-ups’ can be released very simply and effectively.
Negative Self Evaluations
Let us look at negative self-evaluations such as ‘I am, weak, clumsy, stupid, unreliable’, which lock a person into a pattern of behaviour and can severely limit them in all their daily activities. As soon as he or she is aware of such hindrances to being themselves, they can usually very easily find a suitable symbol to fit their assumed negative role and start the Figure Eight exercise to begin freeing themselves from it. Each time you use the Figure Eight in this way, and achieves a measure of release, the more you will believe in its efficacy and, with each new success, it will accumulate more power and will work more effectively. So, once used, it will gather power and momentum and become a useful tool to free a person from any limiting attachments.
But, like all the other symbols, it must be practised daily on a regular basis, especially in the initial stages, by the person themselves; it is not a magic wand which can be waved over a problem once or twice to make it disappear immediately and forever. However, it can be fun to do, as well as a challenge, if it is approached in the right way. It is the person’s attitude which determines the outcome.
Black and White Birds
There are many situations that confront us that we do not want; there are other events and matters we desire with all our heart. We can over-react to either kind of situation and lose our inner balance. We are not meant to fly too high, nor sink too low, but rather, maintain an inner balance of serenity and equanimity. It is like walking a tightrope with our hands outstretched for balance.
The black bird symbolises all those things we do not want to happen, or are afraid of, while the white bird represents all of the things we do want to happen and hope for, that is, our desires. By reacting to either one, we lose our balance. The only way we can stay centred and therefore free is to resist the temptation to try to control either of the birds. So we start walking the tightrope with arms outstretched and with palms up and allowed either of the birds to alight on your hands, as and when they wish, accepting the black and white one equally.
I hasten to say that this visualization is far easier to write about than to put into practice; but once glimpsed, this picture makes it easier to remember not to react with strong negative emotions when life presents us with some experience we just do not want, or with too much excitement when our most cherished dreams come tme. Either extreme destroys the inner calm we are trying to achieve and throws us off balance.
The Maypole
I have often been asked if we have ever been given an exercise to use for a group meditation, or one which a family can use. The triangle which I have described earlier is excellent for family or group use. I was also shown that the usual method of having all the members of a group hold hands around a circle has the effect of bringing the group consciousness down to the lowest common denominator of the members of the specific group or gathering. A far more effective way of meditating in a group is for each person to imagine everyone reaching up to hold hands at a central point above the circle, representing the High C point where we are all one. It will easily be seen that in this way, each person will make a triangle with everyone else in the group, which raises the group consciousness to the highest common denominator, as it places the meditation under the direction of the united High-Selves. This enables each individual to receive whatever they need at that particular time, whether it be healing, insight, awareness of hidden aspects of the self, solutions to problems, and much more.
There have been many variations on the original theme, and as many different symbols for using it, the maypole being the most effective and often the favourite. Most people have read about a maypole, seen one, or even participated as children in the traditional May Day festivities, in which the May Queen and the maypole dances play a big part.
For use as a symbol for group meditation each person should imagine or visualise a maypole firmly rooted in the ground, with different coloured ribbons attached to the top of the pole and hanging down around it. Each person then imagines walking up to the pole, choosing a ribbon, holding it in his hand, and returning to sit on the outer circumference of the circle. It is more interesting to ask each person which colour was picked, as it often gives insight into which is his strong or weak function.
By working with the maypole in this way people have reported that they receive healing, become more relaxed, feel stronger or more cheerful; in other words, they receive whatever it is they most need at that time. This visualisation encourages people to rely on contact with their own High C instead of on other human beings. We have observed that a tremendous energy is generated in such a group meditation. It is as if each person has a lamp, with the energy from the High C as ‘electricity’ flowing down each of the many ribbons or wires and lighting up all the lamps in the room, so that the room is flooded with light and energy and all darkness is dispelled. This increased’ energy makes it possible for those present to receive even greater insights, clearer awareness, healing, a far greater state of relaxation and to enter a much deeper meditation than if they were meditating alone.
Further Uses of the Triangle
The triangle has previously been described and its role explained as a basis for making contact with the High C at the beginning of every session, whether conducted on the conscious level or in the waking dream state. Like the Figure Eight, it also has other uses and, it too, is a very potent symbol.
Whenever anyone asks for help, the first thing we do is visualise a triangle connecting us both to the High C, and immediately ask up my side of it for the other person’s High Self to heal, guide, or help in whatever way is needed and timely, and we suggest that the person do the same. We have been told that this is the utmost that anyone can do for another person.
Many people call to ask me to “Do triangles for me”, for one thing or another, which is tantamount to asking me to hold a good thought or prayer for them. We are taught that it is acceptable to visualise the ‘complete triangle for all those who are acquainted with it, or who sincerely seek contact with the High C, but we should not impose our will on those who are not open to this source. For them we visualise their side of the triangle as a dotted line, which they can make solid whenever they are ready to seek its aid. Sometimes, ‘running the triangle’, as we often express it, is all that is needed to help a person if they are taking an examination, suffering from an illness, undergoing an operation, in the middle of an emotional crisis, involved in a divorce, or in any of the myriad of situations which force a person to reach out for help. However, it cannot be used as a magic wand and the person requesting help in this way must do his part, by visualising it also, or he will become dependent on others to do it for him.
Quite often we are shown to erect the triangle above the Figure Eight with the points A and B at the centre of each circle. This makes an extremely effective symbol, as it prevents either person from dominating or projecting on to the other, while they both seek guidance from their joint High C.
These symbols have been in use since ages. They have been given by the Higher Consciousness of all humans. They are accessed by millions daily, and used multiple times daily. You will understand that these symbols are robust, strong and effective when utilised as given above. They are not frivolous imaginings, they are given to help people manage their lives, come to self-awareness and master the mind. The mind is the servant, who takes notice of and absorbs the higher energy – frequency – vibration of these symbols. They are the gateway to the higher dimensions, the 5th and up.