

Silence is a common occurrence in everyday social interactions, yet anthropological research, like most research in the social sciences and humanities, has mostly focused on what people say and do. Over the last couple of decades, however, there has been an increased attention to how the unsaid, the unspeakable, and the invisible shape social, political, and subjective worlds. In particular, anthropologists have theorised silence as more than just the opposite of speech. They have started to think of silence as a complex moral, affective, and social force. Anthropological rethinking of silence and voice has been particularly prominent in feminist traditions, in the study of care, and in decolonial scholarship that often studies silence as refusal and resistance. Attending to histories of silence and silencing has a potential to provide insights into different forms of structural oppression under which individual and collective strategies of survival might be falsely interpreted as mere compliance. Silence has also been important in research on ritual activity, where it is a prerequisite for communicating with ancestors, spirits, ghosts, and other apparitions. Here, silence can co-create a sense of hauntings as a response to repressed past and present forms of violence and harm. By attending closely to the unspoken and unspeakable aspects of language and art, anthropologists increasingly find new ways to include silences in their research and modes of representation. In these and other ways, the study of silence can greatly enrich our understanding of the social world.

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Use of Symbols – Negative Emotions – Part 2

There are many forms of negative emotions within the human: we are born with an inbred survival mode of fight-flight and the autonomic nervous system ensures we react real quickly and run even faster! Nonetheless, in this day, this age, many carry fears, guilt, envy, jealousy, feelings like this. Some are from this life, and perhaps, some we have carried over from a past life. To take up our inherent god-strength within and live fully human-fully alive, we can take steps to discard emotions and reactions that don’t lead to our growth, our inner freedom. In Part 2 of this series, we examine symbols to eliminate negative emotions.
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Use of Symbols – Negative Emotions (part 1)

There are many forms of negative emotions within the human: we are born with an inbred survival mode of fight-flight and the autonomic nervous system ensures we react real quickly and run even faster! Nonetheless, in this day, this age, many carry fears, guilt, envy, jealousy, feelings like this. Some are from this life, and perhaps, some we have carried over from a past life. To take up our inherent god-strength within and live fully human-fully alive, we can take steps to discard emotions and reactions that don’t lead to our growth, our inner freedom. Here, Part 1, we examine symbols to eliminate negative emotions.
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Use of Symbols – Eliminate Faults

Use symbols to eliminate faultsFaults and undesirable can be eliminated from the mind and attitudes by use of symbols. Symbols are the language of the unconscious. The conscious mind has access to the associative parts of the brain, to language, understanding and speech. The conscious mind has access to the intellect, and thus, access to reason. The Unconscious mind does not have this access. Presenting symbols to the unconscious to eliminate faults is extremely effective. However, it takes time, and is not a magic wand to be waved once or twice and the problem is gone forever. A series of symbols and exercises is shown.
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Use of Symbols – Protective Symbols

WreathSymbols are the language of the unconscious. The conscious mind has access to the associative parts of the brain, to language, understanding and speech. The conscious mind has access to the intellect, and thus, access to reason. The Unconscious mind does not have this access. The unconscious mind does not have this access and communicates by way of “gut feeling”, intuition and symbols. Certain symbols can be impressed on the unconscious to bring about safety, security and self-confidence.
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Moving Forward: the OM, Energy Flow and the Earth Mother

hands - heartsIn these times of change, there are many gifts, there are many skills and abilities inherent within us that we can take up and use for our benefit, and for the benefit of all that exists on Earth. We can also take up light work for the welfare of Mother Earth herself. We are given the OM, it has benefits and draws the presence of Divinity. We can discuss our differences and our problems and find that we may unite with the Source of the All. This Source also contains the Mother Energy, the Mother Energy that is within all of us, even if we are born in a male form. There is much we can do for ourselves, for others, for our home.
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YOU – A Divine Agent of Change

Divine Agent of ChangeThe teaching in Hinduism is yad bhavati, tad bhavatum, as the feeling, so the result. It is important for your well-being, your health, and your ability to connect with your divine essence to recognize when you are vibrating at a low, dense, heavy emotion of fear, anger, sadness, frustration and worry, and to shift that reality as quickly as possible. Thoughts and feelings create your reality, and you can change that. You can hold a clear, pure vibration and change this world for the better.
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The Golden Age

The Golden AgeMany speak of the coming of the higher dimensions, the 5th Dimension. For some, it is the great restoration to a time before the Fall of Atlantis. Others call it the Age of Aquarius, others say it is the Golden Age, and some others tell it is the Return of the Light. Whatever the name, the recognition is in the heart: a return to an era of peace and harmony, wherein people will live with harmony and love; and there will be discussion and debate instead of discord and war.

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Reflections around Ceremony

Reflections around CeremonyWe each have our little ceremonies. Some are for luck, others for protection (touch wood!). We can have a ceremony before we enter a place, we have ceremonies for births, deaths and weddings. Some have rituals for when they wake up, others have rituals before bedtime. We live in a world where ceremonies seem to be fading away. Here, we read of some reflections around ceremonies.
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Letting things flow

Letting things flowThe news bulletins are full of Covid-19 and little else – except, perhaps, the sport results. When many are unable to get tested, feel insecure, and feel the energy of inevitable succumbing to this virus all around them – the Hierarchy comes with a message. Ask for help. Access your higher consciousness and raise your energy-frequency-vibration. Let things flow. Descent into negativity does not help you nor anyone else. Help everyone by accessing your higher consciousness. Let things flow: be in your personal flow of higher energy-frequency-vibration, and so be an aide to all that is.
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