Ascension: Holding a Signature

canyon and cloudsPerhaps we walk on Earth and wonder, “When shall we rise?, when is this era of Ascension?” And perchance you are out of town for the day and vision of the Mothership goes to the housewife next door, or you are striking a match and the burning bush and its voice of election await your witness, your account, your own ascension. What signature do you hold, what signature do you seek?
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Ascension: Social Cohesion and the 5th Dimension

Five Pillars of Social CohesionSocial cohesion and Ascension, the New Age, the 5th (and higher) Dimensions raises important questions for an inclusive Ascension for the New Age and the 5th Dimension. There is only one race, the Human Race! There are those narratives that tell of others being ‘taken away’, existing elsewhere, living on “another earth”. How do we heal this split in consciousness?

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Ascension: Lightworkers and Social Cohesion

Light Formation FloridaLightworkers span many categories of this age we call Ascension, and bring forth a cornucopia of its light-filled fruits for all who walk on Earth at this time. Actually, they bring it forth for all forms of life – mineral, plant, insect, animal and human life. Here we look to the activities of lightworkers and how this binds all into Ascension.
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Antarctica Melts Under Its Hottest Days on Record

ice melt in antarticaOn February 6, 2020, weather stations recorded the hottest temperature on record for Antarctica. Thermometers at the Esperanza Base on the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula reached 18.3°C (64.9°F)-around the same temperature as Los Angeles that day. The warm spell caused widespread melting on nearby glaciers.
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Ascension: The Yogas of Shiva

Lord ShivaYoga means “path of union” with the Divine. Lord Shiva of Hinduism features in many yogic disciplines and elicits much self-disciple and control of the senses – which, in essence, is the path of union with the Divine. Here we give account of several different kinds of yoga practices and how Lord Shiva is the object of the devotion contained therein.
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Global Goals and Ascension – Part 3

In order that we might have a future of human flourishing, the Sustainable Development Goals are the foundations of any future reality we create and any habitation that we live, whether we exist in higher dimensions, or with re-activated DNA (with new skills and senses) or be it humans living with a light body. This journey to Ascension includes the human race – all of it – and the life forms that we share the Earth our home with. The Sustainable Development Goals are a pathway to this human flourishing.

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Consciousness is Directly Linked to Light

Scientists have an exciting suspicion that our brain’s neurons might be able to communicate through light. They suspect that our brain might have optical communication channels, but they have no idea what could be communicated. Our brains might have optical communication channels.
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Is the mind part of the Soul?

The early Greek philosophers struggled to define the soul in a way that made sense and helped people to understand themselves and perhaps – why they did what they did. In this day and age, some authorities are defining faculties of animals that are similar to the human, and this is having unforeseen consequences. We see the beginning of developing the capacity of the soul.
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Global Goals and Ascension – Part 2

In order that we might have a future of human flourishing, the Sustainable Development Goals are the foundations of any future reality we create and any habitation that we live, whether we exist in higher dimensions, or with re-activated DNA (with new skills and senses) or be it humans living with a light body. This journey to Ascension includes the human race – all of it – and the life forms that we share the Earth our home with. The Sustainable Development Goals are a pathway to this human flourishing.

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Global Goals and Ascension – Part 1

Our future is a future of integrity. Hence, the Sustainable Development Goals are part and parcel of any future we create and any habitation that we live, be it in higher dimensions, be it with re-activated DNA, be it with a light body. Ascension is for all, and so we must act as One, and include all in the future of life on this planet. Love for the Creator is the binding thread.

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