International Mother Earth Day

International Mother Earth Day 2020

International Mother Earth Day provides an opportunity to raise global public awareness of the challenges to the well-being of the planet and all the life it supports. The Day also recognises a collective responsibility, as called for in the 1992 Rio Declaration, to promote harmony with nature and the Earth, to achieve a just balance among the economic, social and environmental needs of the present and future generations of humanity. This Year, International Mother Earth Day is on April 22, 2020.

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Ascension: Social Cohesion and the 5th Dimension

Five Pillars of Social CohesionSocial cohesion and Ascension, the New Age, the 5th (and higher) Dimensions raises important questions for an inclusive Ascension for the New Age and the 5th Dimension. There is only one race, the Human Race! There are those narratives that tell of others being ‘taken away’, existing elsewhere, living on “another earth”. How do we heal this split in consciousness?

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Antarctica Melts Under Its Hottest Days on Record

ice melt in antarticaOn February 6, 2020, weather stations recorded the hottest temperature on record for Antarctica. Thermometers at the Esperanza Base on the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula reached 18.3°C (64.9°F)-around the same temperature as Los Angeles that day. The warm spell caused widespread melting on nearby glaciers.
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