This Wave of Love: This Love Light

Heart of the SunMuch is happening on Earth at this time. Perhaps Earth has not known peace since the Hiroshima bombing; certainly, humanity has experienced many transformations since that time. We look to the Golden Age, the time when a wave of Love will flood the Earth and raise all to the divine essence – embodiments of Divine Love.

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Christine Day – Frequency Patterning for your Immune System

Christine DayMany do not know that we are embodied as a pattern of energy-frequency-vibration. We bring energies and frequency and our personal vibration (or signature) at birth. These are modified as we navigate the ups-and-downs of life. At this time, most of the planet is having a wild ride with this coronavirus and nation upon nation seek to vaccinate their populations. Here, a lightworker who brings gifts from on high (from the Pleiadians) graciously gives one key to changing our energy-frequency-vibration toward a protective pattern for our immune system. Now watch, and read on.
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Ascension: Exploring Star Child Realities

canyon and cloudsIn order to explore unfolding realities, we need to nurture that which is emergent, fragile, tremulous, potential in the human that is creating. Too much of what children – and star children see, experience and imagine is ignored. We are the ones who need to wake up to what this world, this new Earth can be, and what human beings are capable of creating, achieving, living, even.
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Ascension: Social Cohesion and the 5th Dimension

Five Pillars of Social CohesionSocial cohesion and Ascension, the New Age, the 5th (and higher) Dimensions raises important questions for an inclusive Ascension for the New Age and the 5th Dimension. There is only one race, the Human Race! There are those narratives that tell of others being ‘taken away’, existing elsewhere, living on “another earth”. How do we heal this split in consciousness?

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