Ascension: Performance Character and Diligence

shrubberyThere are many aspects of human character that lead to human flourishing. Personal discipline is often viewed as diligence, evidencing speech and behaviour that is strong, constant and reliable guide to action and outcomes. What we observe of another person is the indicator of character. Confidence in another person is an indicator of their diligence.
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Ascension: Performance Character and Spirituality

canyon and cloudIn an earlier post we wrote of surfing the waves on the ocean called life. When we think the waves called Ascension in the ocean of life, how do we take up learning about Ascension; is this also learning about ourselves? Careful investigation suggests there are many dimensions to the phenomena we call Ascension, the most important of which may be – for many – spirituality.

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from the rainbow to the rainbow light

rainbow light withinAs part of the journey to ascension, we are asked to move from visualising white light within to visualising rainbow light within. It is as if the human form has become a moving prism scattering rainbow light everywhere. In higher dimensions, there are more colours of greater and faster vibration and intensity: more colour, more colourful. How do we experience this?

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Decision making and your Spirit

Decision making and your spiritIn these days of the coronavirus – and threats to public health – as well as your own personal health, we need to be clear-headed about the decisions we make – particularly in the times that create stress and challenge for ourselves and for many, many other people. What is the best way for me to make important decisions at this time? How can I know I am making the right decision? What feelings will I have if I go ahead and do as I wish? What do we do with all this media information about who is right, who is wrong, is there a vaccine, should I take this or that solution? We need to use discernment, along with our common sense, and our spiritual sense. All these – together – can guide us on the path of life.
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Creating One’s own Spiritual Atmosphere

Candle flameSpirituality might be described as a lifestyle, a way of engaging with the world, and a way of disengagement with the world. Spirituality is also a deliberate cultivation of an atmosphere in order that we manage the mind and keep it focussed on our spiritual goals. The worst thing one can do is to discuss spirituality with someone who has no spirituality. In the words of one paramaguru, it will lessen your own spirit.
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Who Prays on Google?

Google ChurchPrayer search intensity on Google rose around March 11, the date when the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the COVID-19 a pandemic. In Northern Europe, few people searched for prayer before COVID-19. There were smaller increases in Northern Africa are due to the high initial levels of prayer searches. The largest absolute increases occur in South America and Africa, some of the most religious regions of the world.
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Google Searches for Prayer during COVID-19

Prayer with BibleIn times of crisis, humans have a tendency to turn to religion for comfort and explanation. The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. Daily data on Google searches for 95 countries demonstrates that the COVID 19 crisis has increased Google searches for prayer (relative to all Google searches) to the highest level ever recorded. This rise amounts to 50% of the previous level of prayer searches or a quarter of the fall in Google searches for flights, which dropped dramatically due to the closure of most international air transport. Prayer searches rose at all levels of economic status, inequality, and insecurity, but not for the 20% least religious countries. The increase is not merely a substitute for services in the physical churches that closed down to limit the spread of the virus. Instead, the rise is due to an intensified demand for religion: We pray to cope with adversity.
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Your Inner Compass

inner compassEach step on a journey is different; yet, all steps lead to the final destination. If you are inspired to do one thing today and to do something different tomorrow, it is because those tasks are both steps along the pathway to the desired destination. Trust in the timing of your inner guidance. It’s wisdom comes from the part of you which is your connection to the universe and to Infinite Being.
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Spirituality, Human Purpose and the Coronavirus

Yin and YangThe novel coronavirus has captured attention and garnered responses – both positive and negative – around the world in every nation that is affected. Perhaps the only places not to be affected might be the Arctic and Antarctic. We look to spiritual responses to the coronavirus, and to a channelled message reminding us of the nature of the Source and human purpose and how we engage with Source energy.
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