Dreams are inspired by the soul.

Mesopheric cloudsDreams are inspired by the soul. Artists and artisans, writers and poets, musicians and singers all take birth to bring forth a dream and so inspire humankind to higher heights. We should have our dreams. We should know the place of love and care for our neighbour, and the guest. We should know what attracts us and why, what are the elements in this attraction, this inspiration? Does it lift the soul up to embrace its source, does it help us to know the Source within us? These are important questions that reveal the existence of the Soul.

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Thought and Achievement

sea grassAll that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts. In a justly ordered universe, where loss of equipoise would mean total destruction, individual responsibility must be absolute. A man’s weakness and strength, purity and impurity, are his own, and not another man’s. They are brought about by himself, and not by another; and they can only be altered by himself, never by another. His condition is also his own, and not another man’s. His suffering and his happiness are evolved from within. As he thinks, so he is; as he continues to think, so he remains.

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Change your Thoughts: Change your Life

the straight pathWe are the product of thought and language within. Whatever our internal inner chat, it is largely this that decides our character, our attitudes, our moods, our actions. The mind is very much governed by the thoughts we take up, that thought is much governed by the language and emotion that we employ. Keep in mind that emotion is e-motion, that is, energy –> set in motion. This is the slingshot that harnesses thoughts and projects them into reality.
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Mind and Heart: Purpose and Goals

stairsAs the thought, so the result. If we can manage our thoughts, we will have a tidy mind, a steady purpose in life, and achieve our goals with ease. In the modern psycho-mumble, this is called delayed gratification. Ability to manage the mind is shown in the heart, in the mental energies, on the objects we set before ourselves and the successes we achieve. It is the opposite for those who fail to plan and fail to take the route of concentration and self-control.
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Effect of Thought on Health and the Body

canteenWe are what we eat. Moreover, what we look at, what we listen to, what we speak about also affects the food we consume. Every part of the five senses is food for the mind and the body. The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operations of the mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed. At the bidding of unlawful thoughts the body sinks rapidly into disease and decay; at the command of glad and beautiful thoughts it becomes clothed with youthfulness and beauty.

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Thought and Circumstance

flatsMan must tend the garden of his soul and care for plants and bushes in it, weeding, pruning and looking after this garden, else, things will fall into the garden, choke it, and produce undesirable results. The natural law of the world is that it puts forth, that is, natural objects (plants) grow, put forth blossom and seed, flourish for a season or so, and then pass away. So also, there is a mental law (for man’s mind puts forth) and a moral law (all human action shows the values and choices of the individual doer). From the Natural Law, Allen arrives at these mental and moral laws which govern the circumstances of a man’s life.
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The Garden of the Mind

Untidy gardenMind creates reality. Our world, our attitudes, our feelings, our responses to this world are all reflections of what is in the mind. The mind is like a garden, we can have a tidy garden, we can have weeds and creepers, we can have undergrowth and overgrowth of plants, bushes and trees. We need to WATCH the garden and keep it tidy. We need to WATCH our minds and keep the mind neat and tidy.
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Benefits of Being Positive

bee-ing positiveIt is taught that there are trails in the brain, which reflect our habitual thinking, attitudes and actions. They can be changed if we wish to seek a happier, more positive life. There are generations of vasanas, impulses and influences that cross with the mind and soul into the new body. They are sometimes called genetic inheritance. Still, we can make change with effort, that is one of the meanings of the Sanskrit word sadhana: put effort. Here, we look to the benefits of positivity.

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Ascension: Performance Character and Diligence

shrubberyThere are many aspects of human character that lead to human flourishing. Personal discipline is often viewed as diligence, evidencing speech and behaviour that is strong, constant and reliable guide to action and outcomes. What we observe of another person is the indicator of character. Confidence in another person is an indicator of their diligence.
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