Coronavirus and Transformation

Beta version of Sars-CovThe Coronavirus has been with humanity for some time, now. And like any virus (Bird Flu, Influenza, Swine flu, the common cold) it has morphed into new versions – Delta and Omicron. For some, stay-at-home recovery. For others, hospitalisation and healing. Others pass over, as part of their soul journey and evolution. Many, many guides have given messages that those who have passed over are well and happy, and very well cared for. What is the meaning of all this, why are so many – vaccinated and unvaccinated – catching this? A lightworker shares a lucid dream on the meaning of the Corona virus.
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21 December 2020: The Great Conjunction

Meditation and the Flower of LifeMany persons – Light-workers, Spiritual guides, Astronomers and Astrologers have given out prognostications about the forthcoming Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the day of solstice, 2020. We have provided some observations about the so-called advance warnings, and some observations based on vedic astrology. We now include the general topic of Ascension into matters surrounding this event.
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Ascension: Holding a Signature

canyon and cloudsPerhaps we walk on Earth and wonder, “When shall we rise?, when is this era of Ascension?” And perchance you are out of town for the day and vision of the Mothership goes to the housewife next door, or you are striking a match and the burning bush and its voice of election await your witness, your account, your own ascension. What signature do you hold, what signature do you seek?
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