Ascension: The unfolding life purpose

the archangel Mikael
Now you have learned to turn inward for validation, inspiration and guidance,  because you have had what has been termed a Soul-Merge, and you are connecting to the multi-facets of your Higher Self. In the process, you are integrating greater amounts of pure Cosmic Light Consciousness, which assists you to release all outmoded concepts without guilt as you integrate the new higher truths that are coming to you at an astounding rate.
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Imagination is the Nation of Images

ImaginationThe soul knows things that the brain knows nothing of. The human brain is something like a super-computer, it receives downloads of information from parents, school, teachers, peers and the society we are born into. On the other hand, the SOUL knows much more and has access to material that comes from our Self, through feeling, through intuition (inner – tuition) and imagination (the nation of images).
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Ascension and its indicators:

shineAscension is about awakening the human heart and Spirit, the inner wisdom, and it is the evolution of human consciousness and the planet itself. As Mother Earth rises to the 5th Dimension, all that lives on earth – human, animal, plant and mineral life forms will also rise to the higher 5th dimension.
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Ascension: Performance Character and Diligence

shrubberyThere are many aspects of human character that lead to human flourishing. Personal discipline is often viewed as diligence, evidencing speech and behaviour that is strong, constant and reliable guide to action and outcomes. What we observe of another person is the indicator of character. Confidence in another person is an indicator of their diligence.
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Ascension: Performance Character and Spirituality

canyon and cloudIn an earlier post we wrote of surfing the waves on the ocean called life. When we think the waves called Ascension in the ocean of life, how do we take up learning about Ascension; is this also learning about ourselves? Careful investigation suggests there are many dimensions to the phenomena we call Ascension, the most important of which may be – for many – spirituality.

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from the rainbow to the rainbow light

rainbow light withinAs part of the journey to ascension, we are asked to move from visualising white light within to visualising rainbow light within. It is as if the human form has become a moving prism scattering rainbow light everywhere. In higher dimensions, there are more colours of greater and faster vibration and intensity: more colour, more colourful. How do we experience this?

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Decision making and your Spirit

Decision making and your spiritIn these days of the coronavirus – and threats to public health – as well as your own personal health, we need to be clear-headed about the decisions we make – particularly in the times that create stress and challenge for ourselves and for many, many other people. What is the best way for me to make important decisions at this time? How can I know I am making the right decision? What feelings will I have if I go ahead and do as I wish? What do we do with all this media information about who is right, who is wrong, is there a vaccine, should I take this or that solution? We need to use discernment, along with our common sense, and our spiritual sense. All these – together – can guide us on the path of life.
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How to Die

Coffin into burial groundAkshara Brahma Yoga (Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7) speaks of the imperishable Godhead. The atma (soul), too, is imperishable. What is not imperishable is the round of birth-death-and-birth again. One day we tire of these experiences and seek the return to our eternal source. How to do this? Most are afraid to speak of dying, and even, afraid to speak in the presence of the dying. Perhaps this selection from the Bhagavad Gita will explain why one or another guru tells those who surround the dying to chant the Om, the manifestation of Source and its creation.
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Your Frequency and Your Soul

Soul imageThe quality of your spiritual life is very much dependent on the quality of what you surround your soul with: your thoughts, your words, your actions. The mind is a bundle of thoughts, and the mind – driven by ego and desire – puts out energy. Whatever energy the mind is putting out to the world – that selfsame energy is surrounding your soul.
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Everyday Masters – The Volunteers

The VolunteersEveryday Masters present the Volunteers – a (non-verbal) narrative video about life on Earth and why we are here. A short video I made with my daughters. Two oversouls having a conversation about what the craziest experience they have ever had was. Going to Earth 🙂 The awakening we are going through right now on the planet is real.
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